
… the blog

Through this blog I aim to share my favourite recipes. Those are easy and accessible recipes influenced by global cuisines and dishes. I rely heavily on flavour bombs to bring recipes to life without having to spend hours in the kitchen. I do not claim to present recipes authentic to their country of origin, rather simple ways to recreate something similar and delicious at home.

Every recipe comes with possible substitutions…

Recipes are great guides for cooking but we don’t always have access to the all the required ingredients. We might also want to play around with flavours or adapt a dish to our diet. Every recipe comes with possible substitutions to adapt it to your preferences!

… me

I have always loved food and discovering new cultures through their cuisine whether in their country of origin or through friends, restaurants and recipes at home. Whilst my passion for food is nothing new, it is only in recent years that I have developed a love for home cooking. I moved to the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017 and no longer had access to the diversity of restaurants, prepared dishes and ingredients I had had access to up until then. Only one option was left to fulfil my love for eating good international food: make it myself!

French, I have lived in the UK, Belgium, Spain, the DRC and, more recently, the Netherlands. To top things off I married an American!

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